2020 FSP Annual Summit
We’re going virtual! Check out these useful tips.
This year the Annual Summit will be held in a virtual format to accommodate social distancing measures. Please utilize the tips below for optimal viewing experience with Zoom.
- Please make sure that you have access to zoom and test your connectivity prior to the Summit! Using a device with the Zoom app is recommended for an optimal experience (this may require the use of a personal device).
- Test Zoom prior to the Annual Summit: Link to Zoom testing here.
- If you experience audio issues, please connect to the dial-in provided.
- The camera and microphone on your device will not be live during the main conference. You are automatically set to “Listen and View Only” mode.
- However, when you are participating in Small Group Discussions (11:55 AM and 1:45 PM CT), your camera and microphone will be live. Please make sure to mute your microphone unless you are speaking.
- There is no set attire for this conference; business casual is sufficient (no suits necessary). Solid colors typically translate best in virtual environments; stripes can have an odd effect on camera.
Registration is limited to FSP member firms and invited guests. Please email FSP if you would like to register for the event.